It's no secret that I am all about de-cluttering these days. In fact, I recently took all the books of my coffee table and wiped it down to my Tom Ford book & my gold round tray. I was just feeling like my coffee table needed to breathe this week. I find that there are moments when I walk around my home and I just feel stuck about something. I'm not always sure as to exactly what it is but I try to tune in, look around and see what's bothering me. For some reason, my coffee table was calling me in.
Once I cleared off my coffee table, I didn't want to stop. I then headed into my closet and began to putz around and re-organize some things. I came across an old duffle bag that was hiding at the very top of my shelves, considering whether I should donate it or not. When I opened it up, I discovered about 10 pair of sunglasses I had forgotten about since my move.
I was so excited to pull them out and wear them again and I knew I needed to find a great way to store them so I wouldn't forget about them. Thankfully, I have a ton of beautiful trays. I pulled one out and displayed my sunglasses so I could see them every day when I get dressed.
That made me think about how happy I was to have a few trays on hand to use in my closet. Trays really are a decorators secret weapon. They can corral just about anything and everything so that your 'stuff' looks put together and chic. They can be used in the kitchen, the closet, the bathroom, the coffee table, bar cart, office, etc. Pretty much anything will be better off having a tray to store your odds and ends.
Here are a few I displays I enjoy to inspire you. . .
Stock up on trays here: