A S H L I N A K A P O S T A … L I V I N G B L I S S F U L L Y
WELCOME, friend…
I’m Ashlina Kaposta, a mom-preneur, business + life coach, digital creator, blogger, author, former interior designer with a passion for organization, spirituality, mindset, lifestyle and manifesting! I have dedicated my career to helping women connect to their inner self, launch passionate businesses, build beautiful relationships, design blissful households and create wealth from a feminine perspective!
I live in Houston, Texas with my 5 year old son, Roman. As a driven, multi-passion, mom-preneur, I know just how it feels to desire to have it all. Love, success, money, health, wealth and personal fulfillment on a soul-level.
For years, I was a stressed out, over-worked woman who felt like I had to work harder to get what I wanted in life. Once I figured out that wasn’t true, I began tapping into the SOUL for access to the wisdom within!
That’s why I have created my online brand & business. Tools to help women around the world become more of who they are, step into their worthiness and design a beautiful life! I have created so many resources for you to peruse. It is an honor to have you in my world.
This blog is where I share everything I am passionate about and have learned over the years. Through my own career evolution, personal development and spiritual work, I started a podcast called Blissfully Ambitious and began creating digital books & courses teaching personal development principles, manifesting tips & spiritual success strategies, inside of the House of Bliss!
I truly believe my purpose is to help women around the world build beautiful lives, starting from within the four walls of their home.
Want to find clarity on YOUR direction in life? Book a birth chart reading with me here.
*Dive into the latest blog post here.
*Be sure to join the blissful conversation in the Blissful Living Lounge facebook group.
*Listen to the latest episode of the Blissfully Ambitious podcast.
*Follow my musings on Instagram & TikTok @ashlinakaposta
*Take my personal development courses & join my community over inside The House of Bliss - Manifestation Queen membership.
*If you want some more fun inspiration, check out my YouTube channel.
“What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.” Ralph Waldo Emerson