Yesterday was the most gorgeous day in New York City. I was blown away by the colors in Central Park and my favorite thing of all was...
the incredibly gorgeous red leaves! It has me jonesing for some red in my life this fall and even into winter. An art teacher once told me that if something is ever missing in your work, add a dash of red and it will make everything come together. I've always loved that philosophy so today I am enamored with beautiful accents of red in my life.![](http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_luaaky8HsE1qzcwzbo1_500.jpg)
This outfit is no exception...How chic for fall, no?
The most perfect addition of red to my winter would be a pair of HUNTER Wellies.
I also love adding red to my food with fresh strawberries and cinnamon...my most favorite addition to any breakfast!
Hope you all enjoyed the weekend.
{images. pinterest. cupcakesandcashmere. elledecor}