When I first started my blog, many years ago, it was called "secrets of domestic bliss". That's really what I wanted my blog to be all about. Creating a beautiful life at home. It's been quite incredible to see where my blog led, so many incredible opportunities and new creative endeavors. Still, the message is the same. It's the message God put in my heart to share with the world and its incredible to me how its somehow never changed.
During the holidays, I am always looking for ways to give the people I love gifts that encourage and enhance domestic bliss. Candles, bath salts, picture frames, bedding, robes, etc. I just believe so much in creating happiness at home and the effect that has in a persons life. This year, with my Blissful Living book coming out around the holidays. I am sending it with a special gift. A beautiful set of matches that says "Follow your bliss...". Because along with the words in the book, I want to encourage you to light a candle, have some tea or wine and really create the vibe of domestic bliss for yourself. Aren't they glam? Get yours here.

I also have rounded up some very special items that would make an excellent gift to spread the domestic bliss vibe. . .