secret of domestic bliss #37...simple touches of fur

Oh how these chilly LA days are so blissful. The crisp air outside combined with the beautiful sunshine just makes me so happy. As the cold air outside permeates indoors through my apartments' open windows, I am longing for warmer textures. 
I love to add to the coziness in my home by simply placing small touches of faux fur all around me.
Whether it be through a fur throw or a fabulous fur rug, I love how fur instantly transforms your space to comfortable glamour so effortlessly.

and this is what it looks like white a whole lotta fur loveliness...

keys, please!

Thinking of the end of my day. My keys are ridiculous, I have tons of them on a lonely little keychain. I am always scrambling to find the keys for my different places, office, home, mailbox, garage key, etc. 
I think I have found exactly what I need! 
Customized keys? Brilliant! 
How cute are these?

You can find them at Stat Key Company