getting through the 9-5

(A typical day at the office.)

Things I love about my work day
*staring at an a amazing gallery of photography + art*
*standing in line at Starbucks for my morning caffeine*
*typing at my macbook keypad and loving the sound of the key-press*
*blogging + new things from the blog-o-sphere*
*taking my lunch break to shop instead of eat*

These are the things that make my days go by quickly.
What helps you + your work day? I am dying to know.

elements of style

okay! i have a new blog/design crush. Erin Gates of 'elements of style blog' has some style that i can relate to. oh she has my dream life, designing and planning fashion events. it all correlates together when you have a super creative i do. you are my hero erin gates!

Here are some of my favorite images from her site.
this aqua armoire is to DIE for
i am crazy about this setee and the awesome inspiration board above it. rawk it.

i HEART the color coding book system and the pans just out and ready for show and tell