merry christmas eve...

Having finished stuffing my self silly, unwrapped all of my presents, watched a billion youtube videos and played enough board games, I find myself browsing the world wide web.
It's like a mini-world that doesn't close on Christmas and most of my favorite online stores are already having sales. I love this part of Christmas. 
In addition to shopping, I have been broadening my mind files of art filled interiors.
I am fascinated by art and how art is placed within one's home.
I found this image over at apartment therapy, and while searching for more, 
I couldn't keep myself away.
I think this art is so funky, and I really love how such different forms of art are placed on the wall and make a cool mix. I'm always looking for cool contemporary art.

And now just a few more images that look like art to me...

{images via: apartmenttherapy}