One of the first orders of business for me and my 2015 year is a beautiful home office work space. My new home is lacking a proper desk area/office and so I threw it to the back burner. Even though I know the importance of an organized home office, I still let it slide. Not this year. I've made the very important decision to focus on creating a beautiful and inspiring small work area in my home. One where I focus on nothing but work/bills/journaling/etc, so that I make an impactful effort to be more productive and less of a procrastinator in 2015.
Typically I frequent thrift shops and vintage stores for old furniture to give a makeover to, but this time I decided to go for new. HomeGoods is usually the first place I stop whenever I'm looking for a piece, because I know it will probably be somewhat unique and inexpensive. To my excitement, I spotted just the perfect piece to use as my desk.
Here is it before, I'm pretty sure this is meant to be used as a console. It has no drawers and is a little higher than a normal desk, BUT I loved the curves and the cool detailing. I knew I could give this baby a paint makeover and turn it into a statement piece worthy of a period film.
I've got a few cans of Farrow & Ball "off black" that I can't stop using around the home. Not only did I paint my dining room in black and white stripes, but I also wanted to cover my new desk in it. I thought it would be so chic with gold on the carved details and give it that Rococo vibe. I put a few layers of gold on the details to give it a major pop and it worked like a charm. Now I have my very own beautifully French workspace. I'm ready 2015. Bring it.